Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Donald Trump - Think Like a Billionaire

I just whizzed through one of Donald Trump's books, "Think Like a Billionaire." It started great, and he gave a chunk of great advice on business and people. Near the middle of part 4 the book started to sink into the Apprentice, which sucked. Oh, don't get me wrong, I love the Apprentice, well, at least I used to, but the last half of the book is focused on only that one thing. Obviously, the Apprentice programs are taking up a large amount of Donald's time.

Also in the book is a section about his spat hosting SNL. I never saw the show, sadly, but I'm sure it was funny. That section of the book showed me how much work goes into getting SNL ready every Saturday Night.

Donald's book has some good tidbits about etiquette, eating well and living well, but the end of the book falls off so far from the beginning. I remember enjoying Donald's Trump book, "How to Get Rich" a whole lot more and I would recommend that book over this one any day. least today.

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